What we achieve
Below is just a snippet of the fantastic work the community of Meir achieves through the kind dedication of volunteers. Meir can do even better with your help and support in making us the first town council in Stoke-on-Trent.
Meir in Bloom
Throughout Meir we had a stunning array of flowers that looked beautiful come rain or shine. The planting and maintenance was done purely by volunteers for everyone’s benefit.
Meir Remembers
Meir played an important part during WWII being so close to the aerodrome that played home to the Blenheim bomber at the nearby factory. With home grown soldiers and auxiliary workers we love to pay our respects every remembrance season.
Keep Meir Tidy
To keep Meir looking tidy, especially during planting season our team of volunteers once again hit the street collecting dozens of bags of rubbish.
Meir Food Parcels
Poverty, particularly food and fuel poverty is a sad reality in today’s world even in developed countries like ours. Meir is not immune and particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic we supported many families with their food.
Meir at Christmas
With the help of our resident artist Daz and our army of volunteers Meir looks great each Christmas with our hand drawn and painted Christmas displays.
Meir Holiday Club
We believe it is a fundamental right that all children should have equal opportunities when it comes to play and learning. With our team of volunteers we headed out during the school holidays for some team fun!
Like what we do? Want to get involved?
It doesn’t matter how much or little time you have to spare, to us every hour counts! Perhaps you’re looking to make new friends, want to find a way of being more active, want to improve your mental health and well-being, well come and get involved.
There’s a role for everyone! Our volunteers are from across all parts of Meir and take pride in what they offer the wider community. Come and have a chat with us to see how you might want to get involved.
Benefits of volunteering
Gaining new skills
Whether you’re studying, starting a career, looking for work or trying to improve your promotion prospects, volunteering can be a great way to learn and develop the skills you need, both practically and personally. We’ll offer training where it’s needed and help you find all the resource and support you need.
Making new friends
Sometimes life changes leave us a little isolated. Maybe you’ve recently moved to the area. Perhaps you’ve lost a partner. Or you might just have lost touch with people as their circumstances change. Volunteering reconnects you with your community and helps create new friendships that keep loneliness at bay and improving you lifestyle.
Mental and physical health and well-being
We know that keeping active, mentally as well as physically, has a powerful influence over our health and wellbeing. More than 80 per cent of our volunteers tell us the work they do has improved their mental health and sense of wellbeing. Almost half think it’s improved their physical health – not surprising when you think of the steps it takes to trundle a trolley around an entire hospital!
Giving something back
Maybe you’ve benefited from volunteering services at some time in your life, or you’ve recently had first-hand experience of the support our NHS or another service can offer. Perhaps you just feel like you’ve been fortunate, and you’d like to share that with others. Volunteering gives you that opportunity to ‘pay it forward’ or to give something back.
Improving your confidence
Sometimes life can knock your confidence, for example losing a job or needing extended time off work. Sometimes people are just a little shy and want to improve their personal skills. Volunteering gives you a change to find your feet in your own time and at your own pace, allowing you to build your confidence in a way that works for you. Every individual has their own reason for volunteering and their own ideas about what it will do for them. There’s no right or wrong approach, it’s all about exploring the opportunities on offer and finding the one you know is right for you. The most important thing about volunteering is that you should enjoy it on your own terms and that it's a rewarding experience for you, as well as for the people you help.